Dolt supremacy: Remembering Bill O’Reilly’s role in the assassination of Dr. George Tiller.

The White Supremacy of Anti-Abortion Extremism

Occasionally when provoked, this 2010 column comes to my mind.

ON THE AVENUES: Abortion? Wichita, or maybe Targu Mures.

It’s just a bonus to be able to tie, Bill O’Reilly, Mike Pence, Nicolae Ceausescu and anti-abortion terrorists together in one big ball of “go away — preferably to another planet.”

Bill O’Reilly’s Dangerous War Against Dr. Tiller, by David S. Cohen (Rolling Stone)

O’Reilly waged an unflagging harassment campaign against the abortion provider before Tiller was murdered in 2009

On May 31st, 2009, Scott Roeder assassinated Dr. George Tiller. Roeder had been waiting patiently that morning in the pews of Tiller’s church. Right after Tiller finished his job as an usher, Roeder walked into the church foyer, pressed a gun against Tiller’s forehead and shot him. He died from the single gunshot wound.

Roeder killed the doctor for one reason, and one reason only: Tiller was a prominent abortion provider – maybe even the most prominent in the country at the time – and Roeder wanted to stop abortion. No one questions that Roeder’s radical anti-abortion views were responsible for Tiller’s death.

But this, the day Bill O’Reilly was ousted from Fox News, is a good time to remember O’Reilly’s role in the Tiller tragedy – especially in the context of newly released statistics showing that harassment of abortion providers in various forms is on the increase.

O’Reilly had waged an unflagging war against Tiller that did just about everything short of urging his followers to murder him.