‘Bune snoozes and IL gets the scoop: “City of New Albany, residents head to court over road improvement project.”


We have all been here before, haven’t we?

Shane Gibson is unaccountable yet again as “City of New Albany Withholding Public Records in Mount Tabor Road Land Grab.”

The Indiana Public Access Counselor has affirmed that the city of New Albany has unlawfully denied public records to a landowner who is pushing back against the city’s use of eminent domain in a Mount Tabor Road expansion project.

I’m happy to see Insider Louisville step up; meanwhile, over yonder lies Hanson’s ‘Bama Folly, scooped once again. Apparently the N & T is delighted to receive tips about New Albany stories, just as long as they can’t be traced to NA Confidential.

Remind me again: Why have I been sending website traffic to their advertising clickers in good faith these past 12 years?

Verily, you can trust those corporate types … they’ll ALWAYS let you down.

City of New Albany, residents head to court over road improvement project, by Caitlin Bowling (IL)

The city of New Albany is trying to use eminent domain to secure land from more than a dozen property owners for the Mt. Tabor Road Restoration and Pedestrian Safety project, but some property owners have raised concerns about the plan.

Earlier this month, the city filed complaints in Floyd County Circuit Court against 17 property owners asking the court to rule that the city can take ownership of a portion of their properties that run along Mt. Tabor Road. The property will allow the city to reconstruct nearly 1.1 miles of road, install full curbs and gutters, and build sidewalks on both sides of the road.


 … In a letter to the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Dennis Feiock, who owns property at the corner of Mt. Tabor Road and Klerner Lane, said residents don’t oppose improvements to the road, but adding two sidewalks is superfluous and would create more impervious surfaces in an area with flooding problems.

“From all the discussion on this subject over the past 4 years, it has become apparent that the only person supporting dual sidewalks at this location is the Mayor of New Albany,” Feiock wrote in the email …