“Young people aren’t buying the narrative that they are responsible for their own misery. Instead, they’re looking at how capitalism affects their lives.”


Meanwhile, the Floyd County Democratic Party doubles down on Clintonist centrism, so as to apply deep, soothing massages to local crony capitalism.

Take a sledgehammer to Gahanism, millennials. You can build it back into something that actually serves all of our interests — even old people like me.

Millennials Aren’t the Problem, by Abdullah Shihipar (Jacobin)

Millennials aren’t destroying society — they’re on the front lines against the forces that are.

 … More and more young people question the status quo and have turned those thoughts into a political movement, backing candidates like Bernie Sanders and Keith Ellison and joining socialist groups in massive numbers. Yet somehow, the condescending reports on young people manage to elide those facts.

For young people to live in a society in which access to education is unrestricted and free, and where everybody can live comfortably without being burdened by debt or institutional violence, we’ll need a radical restructuring of society. Rather than stocking up on participation trophies, millennials are fighting to make that happen.