TONIGHT: Public hearing to discuss the sewer rate increase (and yes, it is an increase).


The city council agenda and packet was released last week, and the public hearing to discuss the sewer rate increase is tonight at 6:30 p.m.

Council president Pat McLaughlin has scheduled a second public hearing (the Blessings in a Backpack appropriation) for 6:45 p.m., with the regularly scheduled council meeting at 7. It isn’t clear whether this is a provocation or poor time management, so consider coming out tonight and contributing your thoughts, and we’ll make the hearing last.

Previously …

Not only that, but shouldn’t Gahan answer questions, too?

Shouldn’t he attend and answer questions, of his own accord, springing from a deeply held desire for transparency and the exchange of information, and not being dragged to the meeting kicking and screaming, like a child seeking to avoid the dentist?

Sadly, we already know the answer. Maybe he’ll come, anyway.

My biggest question is this: Seeing as one of the stated aims of these sewer rate increases is the city’s ability to remove EPA limitations, thus allowing supposedly vital development projects, can we learn a little more about what these development projects entail?

What are they, and why the hurry?

Are they industrial? Retail? Luxury bocce-equipped housing?

Where are they to be located?

Finally: Why are the answers to such questions forever regarded as tantamount to state secrets, hidden so far underground that stacks of Bob Caesar’s unsold Bicentennial books probably are being used like sandbag paperweights?

I urge readers to attend and to speak, whether Gahan shows his hide or not.

New Albany city council public hearing regarding wastewater rate change and the implementation of consumer price index is February 6.


The New Albany City Council will conduct a Public hearing February 6, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. at 311 Hauss Square, 3rd Floor, Assembly Room 330, New Albany, Indiana at which persons may be heard concerning the proposed changes to rates, charges, and implementation of a consumer price index for the sewer utility user fees. The City Council will consider an increase in wastewater rates and charges effective July 1, 2017 or at a date set upon adoption of the rates and yearly thereafter. The proposed rates and charges are as follows: 3% increase in the monthly charges for all consumer categories and the implementation of a consumer price index yearly thereafter. Users of the sewage works for service of property located outside corporate boundaries may be entitled to petition the commission under section IC 8-1.5-3-8.3 et seq. to review and adjust the rates and charges imposed on the users if a petition under IC 8-1.5-3-8.2 or under IC 36-9-23-26.1 with respect to the same rate ordinance has not been filed.