Cigar smokers rejoice: The second location of Riverside Cigar Shop/Match Cigar Bar is coming to downtown New Albany.

Jeff Mouttet’s teaser photo. 

Left to right: 145, 147 and 151 E. Main Street.

The Green Mouse says:

Cigars and spirits are coming to downtown New Albany in the form of an establishment tentatively to be known as Match Cigar Bar New Albany.

It is to be a second location for Jeffersonville’s Riverside Cigar Shop and Match Cigar Bar, and will fill the ground floor (and basement) space at 145, 147 and 151 E. Main Street, currently the home of Main Street Pub, which began operations a few months ago following the disappearance of the short-lived Red Dragon.

In addition to the store fronts, Match Cigar Bar New Albany also will be leasing at upstairs spaces at 151 East Main. The tentative opening date is late January, 2017, pending the usual carousel of permits.

Roger says:

Riverside Cigar Shop was founded five years ago on Spring Street in Jeffersonville, and expanded into adjacent floor space with Match Cigar Bar shortly thereafter.

Owner Jeff Mouttet has been looking at downtown New Albany properties for while. To be succinct, Jeff is to cigars what I used to be to beer. His cigars are perfectly kept, and his recommendations spot on. The thought of having a place of this caliber within walking distance of the house is exciting, to say the least.

Match Cigar Bar will be an anchor downtown … now, if we could only do something about the moribund Reisz Furniture building across the street.

City Hall, anyone?