A Plan Commission docket heavy on lurid construction porn, but isn’t hardcore past its prime?


The Plan Commission’s web site section hasn’t been updated in a year and a half (it still lists long-departed council representative Shirley Baird as a member), but at least the meeting notice e-mails still arrive, and this one’s more interesting than most.

With its Hiddardendum shot popped, the school corporation has earth movers idling on standby, as do the community-minded Kelleys in their build-up to the Summit Springs PUD daisy chain.

An ever eager Scott Wood and a plan commission packed with the usual appointed suspects await conductor Gahan’s baton cue to begin the Bolero, with fiddles played by animated TIF bonds in an outtake from one of Chairman Dickey’s Disney flicks.

As for me, I dearly hope there’s a plot twist. These in-and-outs are so very boring, aren’t they?

By the way, do any of them even know what “plot twist” means?

Meeting Notice
To:             New Albany City Plan Commission
From:        Scott Wood, Director
Subject:    Regular Meeting, November 15th, 2016
Date:         November 10th, 2016
Tentative Agenda
The regular meeting of the New Albany City Plan Commission will be held on Tuesday, November 15th, 2016 at 7:00 p.m., in the Assembly Room (Room 331) of the City-County Building, New Albany, Indiana, at which time a Public Hearing will be held to consider the following petitions:
Public Hearing Item(s):
Public Meeting Item(s):
Docket B-39-16:         New Albany Floyd County School Corporation requests a Special Exception to permit a rebuild of the existing school in the R-2, Urban Residential district, at 1452 Slate Run Road.
Docket B-40-16:         New Albany Floyd County School Corporation requests a Special Exception to permit an addition to the existing school in the R-2, Urban Residential and OS (fp), Open Space (flood plain) district, at 4202 Charlestown Road.
Docket B-41-16:         New Albany Floyd County School Corporation requests a Special Exception to permit an addition to the existing school in the R-2, Urban Residential district, at 1020 Vincennes Street.
Docket B-42-16:         New Albany Floyd County School Corporation requests a Special Exception to permit a rebuild of the existing school in the R-2, Urban Residential district, at 2230 Green Valley Road.
Docket B-44-16:         Lisa Livingston requests a Special Exception to permit a halfway house for women in the R-2, Urban Residential district, at 2106 East Elm Street.
Docket P-09-08:         Pat and Pam Kelley request a Secondary Planned Unit Development District (PUDD) for multi-family residential and commercial/office land uses in an R-1, Suburban Residential and OS (ss), Open Space (steep slope) district at 2303-2307 State Street, 220 Woodbine Drive and 2301-2320 Fawcett Hill Road.
Docket C-05-16:         Pat and Pam Kelley request a Secondary Plat approval for an eight (8) lot subdivision in a PUDD, Planned Unit Development District, at 2303-2307 State Street, 220 Woodbine Drive and 2301-2320 Fawcett Hill Road.
Other Business:

1)     Approval of Minutes from October 18th, 2016 Plan Commission meeting