It’s been a couple of years since public toilet mania in New Albany.
As April comes to an end, a reminder that public toilets are not dead.
A ringside seat for New Albany’s new slogan: “Truck Through City” … Part Twelve.
Meanwhile, Germany’s doing something about it.
Germany Found a Cheap Way to Fix Its Lack of Public Restrooms, by Feargus O’Sullivan (City Lab)
Welcome to the “Nice Toilet.”
… In Germany, it looks like there may be one that really works. The country’s Nette Toilette (“Nice Toilet”) system has created a compromise between public and private restrooms that makes such obvious sense it’s hard to believe that other countries aren’t doing it already too. It works like this. German cities pay businesses a monthly fee of anything from €30 to €100 ($33 to $110) a month to open up their restrooms for the general public. These businesses then put a sticker in their window to let the public know they’re welcome to use the facilities even if they’re not buying. First launched in 2000 and now including 210 member cities (including some in Switzerland), the network is a private one that charges participating cities a modest fee to use their branding. Sixteen years in, it’s still on a roll. At the end of October, the network announced that it is expanding to Munich, which will be its largest urban area yet.