From 2016:
Meat Is Murder: Morrissey at The Palace, 09/20/2016.
Check out the set list, and join me in appreciating a man who genuinely merits the description of icon. It was money very well spent for us.
From 2013:
The Smiths and anti-Thatcherism are so closely intertwined that even this Hoosier hick knows about it. On the other hand, I imagine few of today’s know-nothing Republicans remember Maggie, anyway. They were too busy drooling over the staged blather of a trained actor, Ronnie Raygun.
And also from 2013,the video:
Not Like Any Other Love: The Smiths (The Culture Show on BBC2; May, 2013)
It’s 30 years since Manchester four-piece The Smiths changed the face of British pop with their debut single Hand In Glove. In this half-hour Culture Show special, fellow Mancunian and lifelong fan Tim Samuels sets out to find out why The Smiths have such a special place in the hearts of a generation of Brits. The Smiths were only around for five years in the mid-eighties, but to this day the sentiment their music evokes is strong. Samuels pays visits to a variety of dedicated fans including fashion designer Wayne Hemingway, poet Simon Armitage, Labour MP Kerry McCarthy and Oasis songwriter Noel Gallagher to analyse the look, the lyrics, the issues and the riffs that made The Smiths Britain’s first, and arguably best ever, indie rock band.