A regular NAC reader writes:
Scott’s trying for accountability here and the council says “nay!” What is a council for? I’ve never seen a town with so much going on and no one demanding any accountability from the administration. This is where corruption begins. How much in debt is the city from all these bond issues? Wait until the tax rates shoot through the roof, that’s when New Albanians will get pissed and by then it’s too late. And – in the end – residents get what they deserve for sitting on their hands and remaining silent.
Maybe it’s a case of pre-Harvest “business luncheon” giddiness, or more likely, the political isolation of an independent as a critical election looms. At any rate, we’re only two seasons in, and already the aquatic center has taken its place as sacred cow atop the third rail.
Anyone know CM Blair’s position on two-way streets? Just curious, that’s all.
New Albany City Council denies councilman’s request for aquatic center income report, by Elizabeth Beilman (News and Tribune)
Majority call financial request ‘micromanaging’
NEW ALBANY — Councilman Scott Blair’s request for an income statement on the River Run New Albany Family Waterpark was thwarted by his colleagues Monday evening.
“I think it’s important we understand the amount of revenues we’re generating and the amount of expenses we’re incurring, especially when you look at a revenue producing facility like the aquatic center,” Blair told the council during a regular meeting.
Other council members voted against the request, many claiming the move was a form of micromanaging city departments and overstepping legislative boundaries.
“I think as long as the parks department is in their budget, we shouldn’t question that,” Councilman Greg Phipps said.
However, Blair believes it’s the council’s responsibility to examine all matters of money, as it’s the body that creates the city budget.
In addition to revenue and expenses, an income statement could track the park’s performance over time. That’s common practice for city aquatic centers, Blair said.
“If you all don’t want to be fiscally responsible and get information in order to make decisions, that’s up to you,” Blair responded.