Greenway work begins, but when it comes to the boat club, the fix is still in.


And yet these questions remains unanswered.

ON THE AVENUES: Federal funding mechanisms total eighty percent. The other half is unalloyed political malice.

What is the true story behind the New Albany Boat Club returning to its moorings and building astride the prospective Greenway?

And here:

GRAPHIC CONTENT WARNING: Greenway timbering east of the (former?) boat club.

If the boat club is coming back, it can only be at the behest of the city. But why?

Note to all the ambitious young journalists: Ask city officials to explain the boat club saga, and the eminent domain story that accompanies it. They don’t want to talk about it. This should tell us all something important. Thanks.

Now, to the triumphant installation of vehicular “recreational” (that’s a cruel bureaucratic euphemism, isn’t it?) roadways where shared-use walking and bicycle paths should exclusively be.

But wait: Maybe “recreational” should be read as “access road to the boat club” — right, Chris Gardner?

Greenway work to start in New Albany next week, by Madeleine Winer (Courier-Journal)

Construction on New Albany’s $2.5 million portion of the Ohio River Greenway project will start next week.

The work will extend the greenway from East 8th Street to East 18th Street. Water Street will be restricted to local traffic only early next week, according to a release from the Indiana Department of Transportation. The over three-quarters of a mile of construction will include two boardwalks, a recreational road and a shared-use trail.