Cooking school crashes into Jeffersonville home, and the paper is right there to baste it.


File under: Muscle memory, although “atrophy” is a more appropriate word.

It should come as no surprise that on the day after cooking school, the paper still is busy promoting it. This lends regrettable credence to a friend who predicted (or was it a prophecy?) …

Don’t you realize you’ll soon see –

“The Return of The Son of The Cooking School”?

“Due to the recent success, we’ve decided to repeat the classes so those who couldn’t attend … “

He’s right, and we’re probably doomed to another six months of irrelevance while waiting for the ‘Bama pensioners to approve a New Albany beat reporter, but let’s stumble forward with this:

PHOTO: SUV crashes into Jeffersonville home

But how did it get there without a driver? Did it roll across town?

Now, if I were to stroll up to the mayor’s car and douse it with red paint, I’m guessing the banner wouldn’t read “Paint can vandalizes mayor’s car.”

Or, to be more topical: “Kitchen utensils fashion the perfect souffle.”

Although maybe they did. After all, never second-guess Bill Hanson’s journalism auto-pilot.