Bernie Sanders dines in New Albany as local Democrats join Hillary at an Applebee’s somewhere.

Bernie in NA. Photo credit: BWS.

Bluegill summarizes Tuesday, May 3.

Got to vote for a presidential candidate who actually represents me for the first time ever, got to see the candidate, and the candidate won the primary in my state, all in the same day. Shazam.

Bernie Sanders capped it off by dining at The Exchange and using the NA-FC Public Library as the backdrop for his victory speech.

As you’d expect, Floyd County’s Democrats backed Hillary Clinton to the tune of 52.7% – 47.3%. Adam Dickey’s local party apparatus mimics the national party machine’s emphasis on incessant monetization to the exclusion of genuine political content, which makes Sanders’ evening in New Albany all the sweeter.

He actually came close to overturning that voodoo, too.

The Confidentials returned from a brief holiday late yesterday afternoon, flying from Estonia to Netherlands to Atlanta to Louisville. We voted two weeks ago, and were asleep when the Sanders caravan passed through.

But that’s okay, and I’m happy for those of you able to take part in the merriment. Echoing Jeff’s comments above, the most important part for me was being able to feel good about casting a ballot, rather than doing so strategically whilst clamping the nostrils with a clothespin.

This one meant something. There’s no reason why it can’t continue to mean something.