Here is the agenda for Tuesday morning’s April merchant group meeting.


Note: The chief of police will be on hand to answer your questions. Can you guess what I’ll be asking of him?

New Albany Meeting Agenda
April 19th, 2016 at 8:30 am
Carnegie Center for Art & History Museum
Open to all merchants, restaurants & businesses

Conducting the meeting: Kim & Teresa

Question & Answers:Chief of Police Todd Bailey

City updates: Tonya/Courtney

Old Business:
New Business:

May 4th – Showcase to promote Tourism and Travel

Ribbon Cuttings:
Eventful 203 – April 21st at 4:30 pm
Adaptive Nursing – May 26th, time TBD
Gospel Bird – Rescheduled TBD

Next meeting is May 17th – Location to be determined. If you would like to have a meeting at your business, please let us know.

May meeting ISBDC – Social Media in business