Chronicles of New Gahania, Chapter V: The Dickey is in — not unlike the fix.

Hint: The unelected one is to the right, just like the local Democratic Party.

According to what might be an outdated city web site listing, seeing as much of the web site remains dysfunctional, Adam Dickey occupies a seat on three separate non-elected boards.

Economic Development Commission
Redevelopment Commission
Tree Board

Not coincidentally, Dickey is the chairman of two Democratic Party iterations, Floyd County and the 9th District. Apparently, the position of censor is folded into the other two.

ON THE AVENUES: The Adamite Chronicles: Have muzzle, will drivel.

His Linked-In profile boasts several other appointed positions over the years. Stacked end to end, that’s a fair amount of power for someone who has not ever placed his name on an actual ballot for taxpaying citizens to make a choice.

I wonder how much power is enough? If any of it resulted in a leg up for those who need help most, it might make sense.