Municipal non-communications, Part 1,483: “NAHS principal unhappy on officer decision timing.”


Yogi Berra was right.

Page said she had left messages at the mayor’s office expressing her concerns, and said Mayor Jeff Gahan returned her call Thursday afternoon. She said she has been asking for an explanation for two weeks.

Let’s go to a locally based educator to explain why this matters.

Wow. There we go again underestimating the power of positive relationships. It doesn’t matter how good you are at your job – relationships take time to develop. Educators know that this stretch until spring break is the most difficult.

Of course, as another diligent observer of the locally scene commented this morning, “Her biggest frustration was the ‘lack of communication.’ How many times have we heard this about the Gahan administration?”

That’s easy. How many days has there been a Gahan administration? Again, again … and again. Same issue, expressed by different people from multiple vantage points.

NAHS principal unhappy on officer decision timing, by Chris Morris (Utica Press)

NEW ALBANY — A popular New Albany High School resource officer is being replaced, which has generated an unpopular response from administrators, teachers and students at the school.

Veteran New Albany Police Department Sgt. Perry Parsons has been assigned at the school as its resource officer for the past 2 1/2 years. However, he is being replaced by Officer Travis Nelson on Feb. 1. Parsons will become the department’s second-shift sergeant.

New Albany Principal Janet Page said the timing of replacing Parsons midway through the school year is “confusing.”

“I can’t understand, why pull a great officer who has built relationships with 2,000 kids and 200 adults over two years, without an explanation. I just don’t understand,” she said.

New Albany Police Chief Todd Bailey said he had no choice …