I’ve received my letter from the League of Women Voters, inviting me to the “candidate forum” for 2015 Mayor and City Council Candidates. It will be on September 24 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Silver Street Park. The event chair is Linda Moeller, the city controller.
As controller, she pays the bills for the park, which cost several million dollars and features prominently in her immediate supervisor’s campaign for re-election.
But as the rules (see below) clearly indicate, a non-partisan atmosphere must be maintained.
In addition, closing statements “should be significantly related” to questions provided in advance to the candidates. In short: No truth telling, okay?
I’ve nothing against either Linda Moeller or the League of Women Voters, but let’s be honest. The chair is a Gahan appointee, the venue itself is a Gahan gilded palace and platform plank, and considering these two trends, the questions almost certainly can be relied upon to be incumbent-friendly.
I’d prefer a genuine debate to a staged re-enthronement, but of course I’ll sign and return the sheet, agreeing to abide by these rules.
As I interpret them …