Another possible subtitle: “Papa Morris snoozes as summer intern gets it right.” Talk about the value of a fresh pair of eyes. The newspaper needs to retain this woman.
Street studies support New Albany proposal: Two-way streets could promote safety, housing values, according to study U of L professor, by Danielle Grady (News and Tribune)
John Gilderbloom is a doctor who said his research saves lives. His specialty, however, isn’t medicine — it’s economic development — and he’s recently focused his expertise on the difference between one-way and two-way streets.
The University of Louisville professor has written more than 50 articles and appeared in national publications for his research on the impact of one-way streets on safety and business in Louisville. He’s also watched New Albany as it’s debated the feasibility of converting some one-way streets to two-way.
“It’s the way to go,” he said of the proposed conversions.
True, the reporter Grady gets a few facts wrong (the date of Speck’s visit, the name of Pete’s store), but overall, let’s assign credit where it’s due: Unlike the newspaper’s other staffers to date, Grady went straight to Gilderbloom for an explanation of how nationally disseminated and genuine research applies to our street situation.
This surely trumps baying at the moon — or affectionately caressing trucking companies who shouldn’t be conducting their industrial business in the middle of residential communities in the first place.
Which brings us to Chris Morris, who recently contrasted Jeffersonville, Clarksville and New Albany.
MORRIS: Wake up and smell the activity
… New Albany and Clarksville definitely have some good things going on, but Jeffersonville is ahead in the race, no doubt about that.
Well, at least he’s right about the amphitheater. Beyond this, it may be time to study concepts like cause and effect, and so students, your homework is simple. Read Morris’ piece, and consider his comparative assessment of apples and oranges.
Then re-read Grady’s report.
SPOILER ALERT: Just in case Irv Stumler is reading, here’s the gist.
These points being made by Gilderbloom and Riggs, as embraced by Jeff Speck in his downtown street network proposal for New Albany, are the curative for many of the problems Morris sees, but fails to diagnose because he is unable to be impartial.
I’ve been advocating for complete, two-way streets for a decade, and here’s my conclusion.
Speck. New Albany. Now.