NAC Reader Comments 3: On Chattanooga’s fiber optic internet system.


NAC reader W read our post, On Helsinki and the importance of internet infrastructure, and offered a wonderful counter-example much closer to home.

Imagine a city that provides EVERY home and business with one GIGABIT PER SECOND fiber optic internet access.

That city is Chattanooga, Tennessee. They have already built the system:
The city built the system on it’s own, offering iInternet service 200 times faster than the puny “service” offered by Time Warner. 10 times faster than the US FCC Broadband initiative set for 2025.

Chattanooga is a city with a population of just 167,000 people (40% smaller than Louisville) and they are actively seeking business investment, relocation and growth.

Some town around here will do this. That town will win. Other towns will get to the party late, if at all.