Board of Works can’t see the handicapped parking spaces for the Re-Elect Gahan yard signs.


A few weeks back, Marcey Wisman-Bennett went to the Board of Public Works and Safety to request a handicapped parking space at 156 E. Main, in front of Sew Fitting, which she manages.

Sew Fitting is part of the emerging, vibrant Underground Station complex of renovated retail and residential spaces, occupying formerly decrepit buildings on a generally neglected block adjacent to the perennially moribund Reisz Furniture Building.

(Full disclosure: Marcey is a friend and is helping me with my campaign for mayor)

Yesterday, Marcey posted comments and photos on Facebook.

“The Board of Works president and the Street Commissioner claimed this morning that the city does not provide handicapped parking in the downtown business district, and yet on my walk back to the shop I saw 3 in a 3 block vicinity. Do they really know that little about the community they serve, or was it the best lie they could come up with on the spot?”

If ever a hearty LOL were appropriate, it is now.

After all, who are you going to believe, Warren Nash and Mickey Thompson, or your own two eyes?

Yes, there are handicapped parking places delineated throughout downtown New Albany. There also are numerous parking regulations on the city’s books, almost none of which are enforced, this being the continuation under Jeff Gahan of a puzzling non-enforcement regimen decreed by former mayor Doug England.

As such: Are the handicapped spaces pictured here — the ones Nash and Thompson deny exist — among the parking ordinances we do not enforce?

There’s this thing called the ADA …

Or, do we enforce them, but not other ordinances? As such, how and when can we know which real and imagined ordinances are enforced, or not?

Is it a coin flip?

Given the proclivities of City Hall, can we even begin to know what is enforced, and what is not, without knowing the political party affiliation of the transgressor/hero, and their history of campaign contributions?

To have these and other questions ignored by the ruling cabal, I have a common sense suggestion for Marcey.

Can’t you just go straight to the top and ask the guy in charge? I’m sure Adam Dickey can explain everything.