A visual Fischer goes full Gahan on the ad hoc demolition of historic properties.


Dear Louisville

Been there, done that. Jeff Gahan personally inspected the historic tavern building at 922 Culbertson, then rejected subsequent evidence that didn’t jibe with his “professional” opinion as a former salesman of veneer products. The building came down. Palms were greased. Coffey got his rocks off, and now the site is being monetized for campaign finance.

Signed … the Hood

PS — If anyone sees our council person, can you let us know? 

Tonight is the Jefferson-Jackson dinner, when Greg Fischer and Jeff Gahan will take the stage to trade yarns about those dumbass preservationists. You see, Gahan wanna Omni, too, and why not learn from the best?

We discussed it last October.

ON THE AVENUES: Now on tap at the ghost of Haughey’s Place: The politics of pure spite.

… With the mayor having conceded moments after the demolition that a mysterious, secret infill “plan” was in place all along, and with the very existence of this unrevealed plan neatly explaining the city’s ongoing reluctance to clearly explicate the building’s presumed decay – again, other than to insist that the same “public safety” concerns currently unenforced on hazardous one-way streets pressingly applied to this one, lone building sans any semblance of due diligence – it is obvious that Sekula made the error of fatally intruding into what was, in effect, a finished deal, one done dirt cheap in timeless and enduring New Albany civic fashion.

Regime. Change. Now.

Metro didn’t require engineering report before demolition of buildings at Omni site, by Stephen George (Insider Louisville)

By declaring the buildings an immediate safety risk, Metro avoided a lengthy public approval process that includes a one-week notice of intent to demolish, public review and input, and an additional mandatory review for any building listed on the National Register of Historic Places, such as the Morrissey Garage. That process applies to all private developers working on historic sites or structures.

Mayor Greg Fischer told IL on Wednesday he is comfortable with the conclusions drawn about the buildings, which stood on the site of the biggest economic development project in downtown Louisville’s history. He said he visited and personally examined the buildings and was concerned they could collapse, threatening public safety.

“I understood the importance of that decision. I went in those buildings myself, and I saw the state of disrepair they were in as well,” he said. “I saw that also there was a homeless camp inside there. What I did not want to see is those buildings collapse with people inside them, people being killed.

“So unfortunately these buildings couldn’t be saved, and that’s why they needed to come down,” he continued. “As I said, I checked it out myself as well, and I understand a verbal engineering report told us that’s what had to happen.”