At least one mayoral candidate opposes RFRA.


Originally published at Facebook. See also here. For those just tuning in, I’m running for mayor of New Albany as an independent candidate. Because the upcoming primary is party-centric, you won’t see my name then. But you will in November.

Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration diktat?

It’s what occurs in one-party states. It is bad law, a regrettable over-reach, a human rights disaster, and a body blow to the state’s business climate — all of these negative aspects, and yet the saddest part of it might be the grubby, small-minded pettiness of the politics involved, and how, with a stroke of his gilded crayon, Mike Pence deposits this bundle of divisive bile at all our front doors, to foul our communities.

For the record, as a prospective candidate for mayor of this city, running as an independent, I oppose RFRA (SB/HB 101).

I’d like to hear from all the candidates irrespective of party affiliation. Some already have, among them Al Knable, Hannegan Roseberry, Gregg Phipps, Brad Bell, Dustin Collins and Adam Keeler — all against RFRA — and Noah McCourt, in favor. Am I missing anyone? Apologies if I have, and please provide corrections in the comment section.