As the weeks go past in route to May’s primary election, I’ll try to provide periodic unedited candidate statements of approximate substance, as lifted from social media and news reports, and as opposed to familiar gems (although they certainly have their place) like “I enjoyed talking with the bunco club last night” or “donate to my campaign first, and maybe I’ll have something of merit to say later.”
That’s because it is my aim to determine whether our declared candidates have anything to say at all, and I’ll quote all candidates, whether or not they’re in a contested race. Just promising change and new ideas without divulging them won’t cut the mustard, aspirants.
Today in the at-large council contest, we find Democrats Hannegan Beardsley Roseberry and Brad Bell. It is Roseberry’s first run for office, and Bell’s second (he ran for an at-large council seat in 2011).
At her Facebook campaign page, Roseberry contributes this valuable observation about Saturday’s Speck street study meeting.
At this morning’s meeting about the Speck street study, there were questions about the funding and cost of implementing two-way streets. The city officials did not give any response to that question, but this article from last month states that, “…the city has $1.6 million in Kentuckiana Regional Planning & Development Agency (KIPDA) funding to get started.” This was a quote from Mayor Gahan. The meeting should have shared this information. We need greater transparency from our city leaders, and city officials who aren’t afraid to speak their minds and stand up for its citizens.
It would help to know that, wouldn’t it?
Also at Facebook, Bell offers economic development strategy, echoing a topic previously discussed at NAC: Impure thoughts about suburbia” and New Albanian corridors.
What to do with Colonial Manor??
When Kroger moved from Colonial Manor Shopping Center, many many years ago, that section of Charlestown Road has struggled to find it’s place in the community. Even though many different stores have tried to fill holes over the years, Colonial Manor now sits nearly vacant again. Two (2) unsuccessful grocery stores have tried to hold down the anchor spot, but have both lasted less than 2 years. Dollar General moved down the road to a much bigger location, and other stores have simply disappeared.
While some area’s of New Albany have seen major growth and expansion, some areas have continued the downward spiral. This section of Charlestown Road needs major help. With that being the sole agenda, I propose turning Colonial Manor Shopping Center into a family friendly fun zone. We should seek out an anchor such as GattiLand, Chuck-E-Cheese or a Puzzles Fun Dome type of location so families can have an indoor fun center for all season’s right here in New Albany. The outlying stores in Colonial Manor can also be family driven, in order to be a family destination site.
Not only that, but Bell thinks he can do it without tax abatements. Be sure to follow the link and read the entire piece.
See this post for more information on the at-large council race: