Jeffersonville city officials are as terrified of the trucking lobby as New Albany city officials.


Looks like the trucking oligarchs have gotten to Jeff’s officials, too, but while their response is tepid and disingenuous, it’s still more than we’ve gotten in New Albany from the likes of Jeff (Jong Un) Gahan, John “We’ll Move the Highway to Your House” Rosenbarger and David “I Don’t Even Life Here” Duggins.

Jeffersonville residents complain of dangerous traffic through Hamburg Pike, by Travis Ragsdale (WDRB)

He says increased traffic from cars and construction vehicles on Hamburg Pike in Jeffersonville is a constant issue.

“It’s an ongoing battle, everyday this happens,” he told WDRB.

Neighbors say part of the problem with the traffic stems from the Ohio River Bridges project.

“The semi trucks come through here, there’s dump trucks, there’s construction equipment that comes through here,” Scoarta said.

The city says it’s discussed diverting trucks and traffic from Hamburg Pike while construction is ongoing. But city leaders say it’s only a temporary issue.

Thanks to JK for the link.