Revisiting the rise and fall of New Albany’s 19th-century Market Street Brewery.


Back in 2006, Ted Fulmore published a stellar overview of the history and surviving buildings of the Market Street Brewery (also known as Buchheit) at 10th and E. Market, situated less than two blocks from where I live.

When we first moved into our house on Spring Street, it was assumed that the two buildings pictured above were not original to the brewery, but Ted’s diligent research proved otherwise. Since I’ve referred to this so often, and especially as the green-fronted building recently has been rehabbed into living space, it seems like a good time to revisit Ted’s research.

The links are here:

The Rise and Fall of Market Street Brewery (Part 1).

Part 2 – The Rise and Fall of Market Street Brewery.

Part 3 – The Rise and Fall of Market Street Brewery.