Bully for you, bully for me. Let’s have a bully pulpit in every foyer.


It isn’t at all pejorative, is it?

September 27, 1907: Theodore Roosevelt Writes, “Bully for You” (www.shapell.org)

Like Harding’s “normalcy” and Kennedy’s “vigor,” the phrase with which Roosevelt begins this letter, “Bully for you” will forever be emblematic of his presidency.

And then there’s this.

The use of the bully pulpit (www.regentsprep.org)

The very concept of the Bully Pulpit, or the use of the president’s position in American society as a means to push an agenda, was defined by the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt. Roosevelt believed that the presidency was more than just an elected political position, but could be used as a force for social change in the nation, not simply via laws and executive orders, but by speeches, programs and appeals to the American people.

Bully Baylor’s mayoral campaign slogans are beginning to generate themselves, aren’t they?