New Albany’s one-way streets are built to encourage lawlessness, to which the city responds by utterly flaccid enforcement, issuing as many as one speeding ticket a day in the entire city, if that.
Is it that the people we elect (and the ones they appoint) are this astonishingly uncomprehending, or they simply don’t care?
Apart from the seemingly bottomless vapidity of Bob Caesar, exactly where is the opposition to law enforcement and street reform? Can anyone find it? Hint: Look first at the Democratic Party’s politburo.
The following account is provided by Bluegill, and was posted at Fb on Saturday morning.
I drove up New Albany’s Market Street about 11:15 last night doing the speed limit. I was passed like I was sitting still on every block from 7th to 14th. Why? Because the other drivers had an extra lane going the same direction and faced no oncoming traffic. Their decision to speed was well facilitated by the City. If Market Street were two-way and there was oncoming traffic present restricting the ability to pass, my adherence to the speed limit would’ve meant that everyone behind me would’ve been adhering to it, too, whether they liked it or not. Without even getting into issues of sprawl subsidy, multimodal use, and the like which could be easily fixed as well, those sorts of things are not difficult to figure out.