Indiana legislative hijinks: HJR-3 goes to the Senate, and Mike Pence explores evasiveness.


By a vote of 8-4, the Senate Rules Committee advanced the House’s amended version of HJR-3 to the full Senate.

You can read all about it in the IndyStar.

Among noteworthy aspects of this development are a continuing GOP disconnect about what it means to support a good business climate, the ongoing willingness of African-American preachers to shoot themselves in the foot, and the everlasting reticence of Silent Ron Grooms to engage his constituents in dialogue about these issues.

Meanwhile, speaking of disconnection, self-harm and intellectual cluelessness, here comes HJR-3 advocate Mike Pence to loot local government finance sans substantive explanation … all in the name of a good business climate. Today’s word, second only to barnacle: Putz.

What does ‘unduly harm’ mean to Gov. Pence?, by Tony Cook (IndyStar)

… Consider this exchange on Thursday when a group of reporters all sought Gov. Mike Pence’s take on the estimated $1 billion hit that local governments, schools and libraries could face if his plan to phase out Indiana’s tax on businesses equipment comes to pass.

Pence has a penchant for saying that he doesn’t want the phaseout to “unduly harm” local government. Here’s how reporters tried – and tried – to pin him down on what precisely “unduly harm” means.