No parking meters necessary for sidewalk parking.


I’m confused about something, although this isn’t uncommon; often I pause from walking to remove my headgear, scratch my head and wonder — as when those few who bother to clear snow from their proximity choose to deposit it on public right-of-way, with the city doing absolutely nothing to prevent it or penalize it.

But I digress. As I was strolling through the frozen tundra the other day, I passed this car. As is evident in spite of the accumulated white death, it is parked on the sidewalk. In fact, it’s parked on the sidewalk most of the time.

Fair enough, I suppose; no harm, no foul; but then again … when I attended a Board of Public Works meeting last November, the Fire Museum (since departed for Jeffersonville) was there to preview its chili cook-off at The Grand, asking the board for permission to park a vintage fire truck on the sidewalk for a few hours.

Which leads me to believe there is a rule against parking on the sidewalk unless permission has been asked from the Board of Public Works.

Given that downtown street parking rules have been somewhat bizarrely suspended since the most recent England administration, making hash of any sensible notion of supply and demand, doesn’t it mean that the car pictured above could occupy a curbside parking space in perpetuity, without penalty?

Does it mean that the Board of Works has approved the sidewalk parking space?

Or, does it mean what I think it means?

After all, this is Nawbony.