Gazing at the “how they voted” list, one sees the name Steven Stemler and a word that prompts Yogi Berra’s “deja vu all over again.”
That’d be “excused.” Not exactly a profile in courage, and yep; we’ve all been here before … in 2011.
Rep. Steve Stemler, D-Jeffersonville, was excused from House action on Tuesday and did not vote. However, he was listed as a co-author of the bill.
As this was the case again yesterday, douchebaggery has a new poster child. Meanwhile, the Indy Star’s reporters explain the shape our GOPsters are in, which I can describe with brevity: Like I’ve always told you, fundamentalism simply is bad for business.
Indiana House amends HJR-3, possibly delaying referendum, by Tony Cook and Barb Berggoetz (IndyStar)
… Democrats say Republicans are in a bind for several reasons. They’re torn between two traditional bases of support: the business community and social conservatives. They also fear growing opposition to gay marriage bans could hurt them in future elections.
“The governor made it clear he didn’t want the amendment on the ballot in 2016,” said Rep. Charlie Brown, D-Gary. “So, now, what do they do? They are between a rock and a hard place. They are killing themselves even nationally with this whole issue. Why would they continue to pursue this when most of the folks who were opposed to this are their friends – big business (and) the (Indy) chamber” …
The straight lead paragraphs:
In an atmosphere of rapidly shifting opinions on gay marriage, nearly two dozen Indiana House Republicans bucked their leadership to strip a same-sex marriage ban of the clause opponents find most objectionable.
The House voted 52-43 to remove the proposed constitutional amendment’s second sentence, which would have banned civil unions and similar arrangements. That leaves only the first sentence, which would still ban gay marriages …