The NewAlbanist on tactics of self-selection and self-rejection.


Fresh off his star turn as “Soapy Sam” Ballard in “Rumpole and the Big Henry Bain Sauce and Egg Man” … just kidding.

It’s been wonderful to experience the bookseller’s erudition of late. I keep company with the finest expository writers in town (Randy and Jeff), and reading them enriches me. I’d say it makes me a better writer, except only sobriety can do that — and what a price.

The bookseller defines his term:

Today’s word from Ben Schott’s Schottenfreude: German Words for the Human Condition

Bösewichtsduckmäusrigkeit – Cowardice in the face of malevolence.

Pronounced [boo-ze-vicchts –dook-moyz-rihg-kite]

Then he moves to The NewAlbanist for the details.

Bösewichtsduckmäusrigkeit It Ain’t
Bösewichtsduckmäusrigkeit It Ain’t, Part 2

We had a few discussions over the weekend with regard to an earlier post, one in which I lamented the seeming withdrawal of one and the patent abdication of many others when it comes to seeking elective office.

I am reminded that such decision do not take place in a vacuum. The vapidity of New Albany government is the product of both self-selection and self-rejection.

There are two primary tactics practiced by incumbents.

As an oblique comment on the general theme of civic engagement, there’s an anecdote I enjoy repeating which goes something like this.

I’ll be discussing New Albanian social conditions and trends, conceding that (of course) the best and brightest always leave town to seek opportunities elsewhere, and usually someone will squint and reply, “I see you’re still here.”

Yes, so true — but why further encourage the brain drain by being elected?