This could be a case for a mud wrestling grudge match, perhaps within the Asian “spa” on the corner of Pearl and Main.
(But first, we must observe a “MOMENT OF REFLECTION,” as the Rev. Burks’ appeals for divine intervention into sewer department affairs now are being referred to in the council agenda.)
Okay, so here’s my personal theory for the resolution pictured above, as slated for introduction by Kevin “Sole Republican” Zurschmiede at tomorrow evening’s council gathering, and which if heeded, would put the kibosh on Mike Kopp’s plans for older, less well-heeled folks in the former Reisz Furniture building.
R-12-03 Resolution Opposing Expansion of Low Income Housing Projects within the City of New Albany … Zurschmiede
You see, it’s a social engineering thang.
Councilman Zurschmiede favors those big-money condos at the proposed River View development across the street from the spa (and behind the Reisz building), and so perhaps he is alarmed at the advent of yet another Family Dollar General store downtown on State Street, which threatens to render NA into the dollar store capital of the US, at least outside of Flint, Michigan.
My guess is that KZ believes if we eliminate the low income housing, we can gentrify these dollar stores out of the equation, put some more spas in them, and avoid the clutter of motorized wheelchairs jostling for sidewalk space.
Maybe not. It should be a good discussion. For other fascinating packet items, go here.
Also coming tomorrow night are stupidly delayed board appointments. I’ll probably be live blogging again, so peek back in after 7:30 p.m. on Monday.