Over the weekend, I turned off the laptop for almost two full days, and caught up with some reading. The presidential election year looms, and I’ve been trying not to think about it. Mitt Romney’s been the likely GOP nominee from the start, and I cannot support him for three reasons: First, he’s a Republican, and so we have likely insurmountable policy differences. Second, he’s campaigning on the basis of his business experience, and his business experience (in finance) is not an asset; it’s the problem. Third …
Building a Better Mitt Romney-Bot, by Robert Draper (New York Times)
… Stories of Romney’s wooden people skills are legion. “The Mormon’s never going to win the who-do-you-want-to-have-a-beer-with contest,” concedes one adviser, while another acknowledges, “He’s never had the experience of sitting in a bar, and like, talking.”