Kerry Stemler, 1Si and ROCK have announced a bold new initiative stipulating a “mobility solution” for the New Albany city council at-large primary race. It’s a revolving forgivable campaign contribution loan fund eligible to be used by each and every primary candidate who does not own a brewery, and it’s called the Ride Big Mouth Brewery Owners Out of Town on a Light Rail Fund.
I’m told that Steve Stemler will keep it in the extended family and co-author the ban on independent throught. Ayatollah Wickens was at Wal-Mart shopping for lighter fluid and marshmallows for the loan’s fundraiser, a festive weekend book burning in Sellersburg, and therefore could not be reached for comment.
Meanwhile, Baylor Planning To Run For New Albany Council, Will Face Mayor England, Incumbent Gonder, Others (Gabe Bullard at WFPL-89.3)