(Submitted by Say NO to Bridge Tolls; Curtis Morrison, Communications Director)
Say NO to Bridges Tolls is applauding the 6 member of the Louisville Metro Council who voted against the re-appointment of two members to the Bridges Authority and calls on Mayor Abramson and Governor Beshear to recall other members of the Bridge Authority who are not listening to the will of the people.
While the Louisville and Southern Indiana Bridges Authority had their 9th business meeting of the year Thursday evening, the Louisville Metro Council took up a vote to re-appoint Joseph Reagan and Dr. R. Charles Moyer to the Bridges Authority.
Reagan and Moyer failed to be confirmed unanimously with 6 of the most respected members of the Metro Council voting not to confirm the two. The opposition against Moyer and Reagan was led by Rick Blackwell, D-12th who said ‘he was dismayed that the board is made up of non-elected citizens and does not include metro council members nor representatives of southwest or southern Jefferson County.”
Others who voted against the appointments were: Tina Ward-Pugh, D-9th; Jim King, D-10th; Vicki Welch, D-13th; Hal Heiner, R-19th; and Doug Hawkins, R-25th.
Heiner, the Republican candidate for mayor, said “he voted against the nominations because he wished the appointments could have been made by the new mayor when he takes office in early January.”
Shawn Reilly co-founder of Say NO to Bridge Tolls said “I want to thank these 6 members of the Metro Council for standing up to this un-elected authority and saying that they will not be a rubber stamp for tolls.”
Reilly also said “As a result of the Bridges Authority failing to allow public comments at their meeting, I am call on Mayor Jerry Abramson and Governor Steve Beshear to recall members of the Bridges authority, and appoint member that will listen to the will of the people, and who will not impose tolls on our community.”
Say NO to Bridge Tolls is a broad based community group representing tens of thousands of people across Indiana and Kentucky that are opposed to any tolls being placed on existing or new bridges, and or the Spaghetti Junction, to pay for the Ohio River Bridges Project.