Deputy Mayor Carl Malysz, after listening to (Dan) Coffey’s presentation, said he would report back to Mayor Doug England that the sewer board “needs to pursue a coherent explanation of what’s going on.”
He said Coffey’s views are “a significant misconception with the realities of the finances of the sewer utility.”
These observations are from reporter Harold J. Adams’s C-J coverage of last evening’s “Coffey and Toadstools” slimefest at the library. Daniel Suddeath’s Tribune coverage is here: Coffey musters opposition to sewer rate increase. I stopped reading after Suddeath quoted Coffey as telling the crowd that they weren’t getting the “real truth,” when I felt the urge to vomit all over his Bazooka Joe University degrees.
For the best coverage of masturbatory exercise, consult the Bookseller’s notes via this Facebook page. It’s all there in living ooze.
The big news of the day, which as always proved to be classified “information” that somehow didn’t travel from the real world into the darker recesses of Coffey’s cranium, was a deal with the Indiana Finance Authority (revealed by Rep. Ed Clere) that would wave wands, pull levers, rearrange furniture, and result in a lower rate increase. Back to Adams:
State Rep. Ed Clere, R-New Albany, who announced the state aid, said he urged the finance authority to act.
“It’s qualified good news,” Clere said, “because clearly a major rate increase is still necessary.”
No wonder my face time with Ed in Indy fell through yesterday morning. He was ignoring the self-serving bickering and perpetual rancor back here in the Blissful Kochertian Kingdom, and actually seeking compromise solutions for problems. He’d best be careful. As Coffey all but confessed, nothing short of installing the 1st district’s reigning embarrassment as local Pope is going to alleviate this particular situation.