Courtesy of Destinations Booksellers, here’s a partial list of locally oriented events coming this month. Destinations “invites you to take part in as many as you can,” and I’m going to try my best.
Starting on Saturday (February 20) at 9am, State Representative Ed Clere will be in the Dueling Grounds Cafe hosting “A Conversation on Education”. This is your second opporunity to talk with your legislator regarding education legislation and voice your opinion.
At 11am, our “Vacation 101” series gets underway with Mark Bliss of Bliss Travel in New Albany. Mr. Bliss will be here to talk about travel tips, hot spots and security issues. He’ll also answer any questions you may have.
To top off our day, our Local Artist series continues with the opening of Jeremy Datillo’s art display at 2pm. Jeremy will be on hand to meet the public so please come out and support your local artists.
Other upcoming events – Tuesday, February 23rd we’ll have Steve Kozarovich, publisher of the New Albany Tribune in the Dueling Grounds Cafe for a discussion of newspaper coverage of local events.
Thursday February 25th our “Vacation 101” series will conclude with Mark Bliss of Bliss Travel.
And Saturday, March 6th Destinations Booksellers revives its series on public issues with Steve Wiser, an architect who will present “An Alternative Toll-Free Bridge Proposal” starting at 11am.
“Fertile Minds” is up and running and we’ve had some wonderful comments about it! Paul Hankins and Karen Gillenwater have chosen a few books that they have enjoyed or are currently reading and we’ve put them on display in the bookstore just past the fiction section. We’ll have two new patrons coming up in just a couple of weeks.
Our private bookings for book clubs and other clubs are going well, but we still have plenty of room for your group! Just give us a call and set up a time you’d like to meet! Remember, even though the store is closed on Sundays and Mondays, you can still book meeting space on those days and we’re happy to open up the kitchen to serve food.
Destinations Booksellers will be hosting a series of political candidate “Meet and Greets” beginning in March. A calendar of the dates candidates will be appearing will be released soon.
We would like to remind you to go to our website and click on “Read the Bookstore Blog” to find out what our bookstore staff is reading and other news from the publishing world. You can also access the Dueling Grounds menu by clicking on “Today’s Cafe Features”.
Here are our events listings for the coming weekend. All these event details are at our Web site. And cafe features are always available here.