Daniel Suddeath revealed the punch line on Twitter two days ago, and I’ve been doing the grand guffaw ever since. The Messer for Mayor camp will now inply that Jack’s endorsement of an Aw-Dit was purely tactical, designed to flush the agitated Copperhead onto the tarmac from his hiding place in untrimmed shrubbery, after which he would be flattened into snake cakes by Li’l Stevie’s diesel tricycle.
Let’s just say I’m not buying. Play it sweet and low, Charlie.
New Albany City Council could have to repay for audit
… At the end of Monday’s City Council meeting, Councilman Jack Messer announced that he agrees with the New Albany police and fire unions that a private audit of city finances is needed … Messer said he fought Councilman Dan Coffey when he first suggested another audit beyond the state’s analysis, but has changed his mind …
… But Charles Pride, supervisor of cities, towns and libraries for the state board of accounts, said in a phone interview another audit would be a duplicate service. “We very well could ask the responsible official to pay that money back,” Pride said. “We would consider any kind of an audit which we do to be a duplication of service. The taxpayers would be paying for that service twice.”