Is it 3 p.m. already?


I just came up for air and noticed that there’d been no time for posting today. There’s about five minutes remaining before I bicycle to Jeffersonville to deliver a keg. Note that only the tap handle will be in my handlebar bag. My adjutant, Josh Hill, is bearing the actual keg in his car.

Today’s brief point is that in spite of it all, we’re making a great deal of progress here in New Albany. In keeping with the notion of saying “yes” rather than “no,” I’d appreciate readers posting a Top Five list of positives for a year almost concluded. Perhaps it might contribute to a year-end retrospective.

But this isn’t homework, and there’ll be no test. Those of you reading who actually know me, as opposed to those in the community who think they know me, are aware that the absence of personal religious belief in my makeup does not preclude a genuine eagerness that every one have the chance to enjoy his or her holidays in whatever fashion works best. You may thank God, Zeus or blue-speckled hungadungas, or thank nothing at all. It doesn’t matter, because all of it is calibrated to the individual’s inner life and sense of conscience.

So, enjoy the holiday in your own way, or not at all. I’ll be splitting time at Bank Street and Grant Line on Friday, and hope to see some of you for a pint o’ observance.