This just in from Dueling Grounds Cafe.
Bread Loaves Fresh Today – Buy a loaf for dinner. Just $3.49
Our ovens are in full service, so we can now offer you fresh bread by the loaf. Right now, we have cheesy potato bread loaves and onion walnut bread in both regular and min-loaves. The regular loaf is $3.49 and the mini-loaf is just $2.49.
While supplies last. Up till now, we’ve sold every loaf, so we’ve ramped up capacity. Come in today.
You can always find our daily featured menu for soups and panini at our
Web site, under the “About Us” tab, or use this handy link to take you right to the page: Dueling Grounds.Dueling Grounds Cafe at Destinations Booksellers is now in full operation. Our espresso-based drinks are drawing raves and you simply won’t believe how good the panini and soups taste. We’re open from 6 to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Fridays and Saturdays we stay open until midnight, though we open later on Saturday (7 a.m.). Sunday hours are from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.