NABC’s swill-free Fringe Fest at the Bank Street Brewhouse: Thursday.


The goal of NABC’s Fringe Fest is create a cultural counterpoint to Harvest Homecoming and provide unique music, interesting exhibits, captivating films, and – most importantly – good beer. Fringe Fest embraces everything creative and original, and welcomes anything outside of the social ‘norm’.

All events will take place at the NABC’s Bank Street Brewhouse, 415 Bank Street in downtown New Albany. For the complete overview, go here.

Thursday October 8:

Chef Joshua Lehman’s and Sous Chef Andrew Gunn’s Fringe Fest food menu commences at lunchtime and will continue into the evening. We’ll not be serving the usual Bank Street Brewhouse menu. Instead:

Pommes Frites deep-fried in duck fat, choice of aoeli or curry sauces

Confit Leg of Duck with Flageolet Beans

Green Chili using fresh Pumpkin from the Farmers’ Market

Straw Bale Sculpture on the Carnegie Center lawn across the street from Bank Street Brewhouse begins at 1:00 p.m., with workshops at takes place across Bank Street on the lawn of the Carnegie Center. You can stop by any time on Thursday to watch (and help) artist Brad McCombs build the sculpture, and his workshops on the process begin at 1:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. This p(art) of Fringe Fest is hosted by the Carnegie Center.

Music TBA in early afternoon.

7:00 p.m. – “Mystery band” (friends of Old Man)

Circa 7:30 p.m. – Old Man

8:30 p.m. – Fire Show with The Phoenix Collective: Fire Spinners, Fire Breathers, and all-around Pyro-Enthusiasts. They stole the show at last year’s Fringe Fest.

After dark, circa 9:00 p.m. – The Louisville Film Society presents a potpourri of shorts and snippets on the silver (white?) screen

Please note that while the NABC Fringe Fest is running concurrently with New Albany’s annual Harvest Homecoming event, our festival is neither a “sponsored” nor a “hosted” Harvest Homecoming function, which are detailed at the Harvest Homecoming web site.