5. Larry Timperman – for the city of New Albany … Coffey overrules him and says come back during discussion later. Scott Wood agrees to another Coffey rule change.
6. David Andrews – attorney for Georgetown, to reiterate a few points. Speaks about original intent; the climate for sewer plant construction and how hard it is to achieve it; how small $450,000 is as a figure, and how that small of a number could not possibly impact NA ratepayers.
7. Mose Putney – architect for developer Jack Bobo. Questions? Should I speak then or now?
Coffey: “Jumping up three steps, but that’s all right.” Agrees.
Benedetti – Flooding issues. She has been going to stormwater meetings. Asks about stormwater borrowing against EDIT rather than borrowing outside as a means of getting some of these projects started.
Pat McLaughlin – wants the discussion of the master plan to be sure and mollify the misunderstandings of the public and their intentional misleading by the council.
Coffey – Notes that the VFW wants to put together an Internet cafe to help our hallowed veterans reach their kids. Appoints Pat to it.
Not present.
R-09-23 Resolution Confirming the Establishment of an Economic Revitalization Area for Matt Chalfant d/b/a Chalfant Industries, Inc. by the Common Council of the City of New Albany (Messer)
Unanimous approval.
R-09-24 Resolution of the Common Council of the City of New Albany Amending the “New Albany-Fringe Area Comprehensive Plan 2020” (Price)
Steve Price wants to set up a committee to study this Master Plan because there are concerns about things, and the state’s about to make all planning illegal because of budget restaints … Messer notes that Price introduced the resolution, there was a second.
Coffey then dramatically says that in spite of Roberts Rules of Order, he’ll be tabling the resolution because “they’ve been working on it for a year, and we’ve only had it for three days.”
A-09-12 Ordinance For Appropriations and Tax Rates Benedetti 1
Kay Garry suggests approving on first reading and then going back for adjustments.
Against: Price, McLaughlin, Benedetti, Gahan, Gonder, maybe everyone else, too, except Messer.
A-09-13 An Ordinance to Fix the Non-Reverting Budgets For the Year 2010 (Zurschmiede1)
Against – enough; rejected it roughly 6-3.
We’re witnessing a nadir even by their standards.
A-09-14 An Ordinance Setting Salaries for the Year 2010 for Non-Bargaining Unit Employees (Gahan 1 )
No: Beaten again, mostly the same votes.
Now we are rushing through the “no” votes as fast as Coffey can take us.
G-09-20 Ordinance To Replace A Tabled Ordinance Seeking A Moratorium on Building Permits (Gonder 1)
Price: Retention ponds?
Gonder: New rules that are more strict must be retroactively rectified by developers.
Gahan, Zurschmiede, Coffey against.
A-09-11 Ordinance Appropriating Funds for One Time Cost Of Living Recognition Payment and Setting Amount Of Payments
Caesar tables it. No objections this time, because caesar did it right.
G-09-19 An Ordinance to Reflect Technical Changes Necessary As a Result of An Agreement With the Town of Georgetown (McLaughlin 3)
Coffey carries it “no” 5-4.