This is the view into the hopback. After the boil, the hot wort pours through these “finishing” hops in route to the chiller and the fermenters, where yeast performs its magic.
Yesterday, Dave and Jesse put the brewing equipment through the paces to make a yeast feeder batch, which means that there is yeast multiplying in each of the four fermenters. Today, they brewed a 15-barrel batch of Beak’s Best. Tomorrow comes Elector, and on Friday and Saturday there’ll be Hoptimus. Bob’s Old 15-B Porter follows on Sunday, at which point the fermenters will be full, nature’s way will be in full swing, and the crew will decamp to Wisconsin next week for the annual Great Taste of the Midwest. With several intermediate steps yet to come, during the week of the 10th there’ll be beer for shipping to the wholesalers.
It’s relief to the max. Thanks to every one for waiting so patiently.
Photo credit: Jesse Williams.