Freedom of Speech: The Lost Posting.


Like a particularly virulent form of acid reflux, there’s been much recent discussion in more dilapidated regions of the blogosphere lately as pertains to a very old topic (in more ways than one):

Who is “Professor Erik,” the supposed voice of screeching Luddite freedom in New Albany?

NAC asked V. A. Denschak, sole member of Citizens for Anonybility, to explain the relationship between her and the mysterious reclusive academic who is so often referenced but so seldom seen. Her answer is sung to the tune of “Whiskey Man,” from the 1960’s-era Who’s album “Happy Jack.” Sincere apologies to the late, great John Entwistle, writer of the song.

Erik is my friend, he’s with me nearly all the time
He always joins me when I screech, and we get on just fine

Nobody has ever seen him, I’m the only one
Seemingly I must be mad, insanity is fun
If that’s the way it’s done

Doctors say he’s just a figment of my twisted mind
If they can’t see my Erik, well they must be going blind

Two men dressed in white collected me two days ago
They said there’s only room for one and Erik just can’t go

Erik – he will waste away if he’s left on his own
I can’t even ring him ’cause he isn’t on the phone
Hasn’t got a home

Life is very gloomy in my little padded cell
It’s a shame there wasn’t room for my Erik here as well

Erik is my friend, he’s with me nearly all the time
He always joins me when I screech, and we get on just fine
Just fine

Join us later this week when we reveal new documents proving conclusively that both Erik and Harvey the Rabbit were cut from the same bolt of “pooka” cloth.