Swimming pools to barbecue, St. Mary’s to a methadone clinic, and two phone scams.


The print copy of today’s New Albany Tribune has an Alice in Wonderland quality, in that stories beginning on page one are not completed on page four, and stories completed on page four are not located on page one. It appears that Tribune readers got the Jeffersonville Evening News fourth page.

At least today the newspaper was readable, if unsynchronized. For the third time in roughly three weeks yesterday, the newspaper was doused by rainwater, as apparently our most recent carrier hasn’t yet been instructed in the use of plastic bags. I merely point this out, knowing how difficult it must be to find carriers these days.

Meanwhile, a reader has strident words for the council in this letter (scroll down). The topic? NA’s vetoed smoking ban, and why the council should reintroduce it.

Do we really need to devote another summer to a divisive issue that ranks well below so many others in importance?