Public speaking time rolls forward: ROCK and Red.


I’m doing this live, so forgive me for mistakes.

Red Scott is at the lectern. He is the manager of the former II Horseshoes. He says that out of 938 total checked entries in a recent weekend period, 557 were from Indiana. 212 of these were from Floyd County. 38% of the customers come from Floyd County. The rest were from outside the locality.

He now asks how many other joints draw this kind of trade from outside the county. Perhaps he hasn’t been to Gravity Head, but I digress even if it annoys me.

“We sit way out in the middle of nowhere,” says Red. He thinks that the council is expending much time and money on something that probably doesn’t even matter. He says that the 212 doesn’t include the regulars, and there were 84 couples. Presumably hetero, although he didn’t qualify it further.

Red’s wasting his time, because the council doesn’t care about any viewpoint other than that of the organized lobby group.

Bryan Wickens now follows Red to the floor. The focus, according to Wickens, is not about a particular business. It is about protecting families from the negative secondary effects of adult businesses. He says we must remain focused on this. He thanks the council. Do decrepit rental properties have an effect on families and children? Wickens does not say, and never has, and never will, for as we have learned, ROCK is admittedly and unabashedly a single-issue group.

They are flagrant and eternal hypocrites. But I digress, again.