In anticipation of the neighborhood forum this Wednesday evening, I’m writing a Tribune column to be published on Thursday. In an effort to assuage damaged psyches, I promise not to mention Europe a single time. Rather, the topic will be the single most important requirement to achieve success in revitalizing the city’s neighborhoods, and it occurs to me that this might make a good open thread to greet the week.
As proffered by the forum’s organizers, here’s a list of agenda items.
- Current experiences and problems in the city and neighborhood
- Ideas for improving “quality of life”
- City and neighborhood safety
- Code enforcement
- Proactive neighborhood involvement
- Vision for the city and neighborhoods
- Street concerns
Which of these is most important? What are the preconditions for success? Why has there been so little forward movement over the past five years … or has there been forward movement?
And: Who owns the decrepit bench pictured above? It’s on the city’s sidewalk. Anyone know?