Our Gahanic Majesty’s Bequest: How many days since this/any city council redistricted?


The answer, as of today, is 5,870 days (the most recent lawful ordinance was 12/17/92).

Sunday readers, I need a little help.

I’m working on a Tribune column about the city council’s ongoing failure to redistrict (see Bluegill’s thoughts below), and it would be helpful to have a definitive rendering of exactly how long it has been since any New Albany city council has complied with its own rulebook and carried out lawful redistricting hereabouts.

The number of days will become part of the column’s title, and can be converted into a running daily digital count on the blog’s front page. Think of it as the sum numerical total of accumulated unconstitutionality.

Bluegill brought all this back to my attention with this comment earlier today hre: Tribune’s “2009 agenda for Floyd County.”

Kudos to the Tribune for publishing a very sensible agenda.

All the more baffling, then, that the City Council seems unable to produce an agenda of its own.

I would note also that waiting for the 2010 census would delay fair voting even more than what might be apparent. Results of that census won’t be available until 2011, within a year of a municipal election, barring the Council from acting until after yet another unconstitutional vote was complete in 2012.

And that’s exactly what Gahan, Coffey, Price, Benedetti, and McLaughlin, based on their voting records, want.