El Capitán, Coach K, and the promise of funny hats.


I admit to having some initial doubts about the Tribune’s cheering and jeering endeavor, but it’s hard to argue when they get it right. With full knowledge that any of us may eventually end up on the wrong end of the raspberries, it’s nice to see some thus far well-guided editorial action taking place where there wasn’t much before.

Today, publisher Steve Kozarovich (or Coach K as I’ve decided to call him from now on) drops the beat on both NAC‘s own El Capitán and the City Council.

Roger will be doing a regular Thursday column:

CHEERS….. to New Albany’s Roger Baylor for accepting the commitment to write a weekly Opinions column that will appear in The Tribune on Thursdays. Baylor grew up in New Albany and is a local business owner and political critic. You won’t always agree with him. We may not even agree with him, but we believe all opinions are important to consider. Also, it’s not easy to open yourself up to scrutiny from the general public. We greatly appreciate that he is entering our regular rotation and sharing his thoughts in order to spur debate…

And the Council has been doing the usual:

JEERS….. to only one New Albany City Council candidate running for council president. When you only have one option, there’s not a lot of choice in the matter. It’s a big responsibility and the residents of New Albany will suffer because the one who stood up was Dan Coffey, an obstinate long-term member of the council who has had trouble with factual accuracy and joining the 21st century.

There’s more at Cheers & Jeers, Jan. 7, 2009.

Roger may have more to say about it, but tomorrow is Thursday so buy a paper. If it’s not any good, I’ll show you how to make your very own pirate hat out of it. And don’t worry, Capitán, I’m still working on the Bulgarian Navy uniform for you. That Trib photo will be classed up in no time.