Exceptions to every rule.


“Ring Christmas Bells” just played on WUOL, and it prompted a smile and a shout-out, because it reminds me of Michael Neely, my high school choral director. Mick always warned us that later in life, we’d regret taking singing for granted, and we scoffed, but of course he was right.

Thirty years of beer and tobacco have rendered me into little more than an interpreter of songs, and rest assured, the interpreting occurs well out of human earshot. Our cats suffer the most.

Funny. The only Christmas songs I really enjoy are the same ones we sang back in the day. Holiday greetings to Mick. Your legacy makes the season tolerable for me.

The preceding might be classified as playing against type for maximum dramatic effect, but elsewhere today, I’m in customary form: Mug Shot: Smoke ’em on up, Santa (LEO).