Election open thread and live-blogging at Open Salon.


Mr. and Mrs. Confidential made strong black coffee and struck two pro-Obama blows against the Dimpire at 6:50 a.m., and in the process, were voters 33 and 34 in New Albany’s Precinct 5.

I’m not sure we’re in need of an open thread here today, but you may use the blog in such a fashion if you wish. Note that Randy “Destinations Booksellers” Smith will be live-blogging today’s election at Open Salon. Here is the link (RS, correct me if this isn’t the right one):

Randy’s Nov. 4 live-blogging

Randy’s Live-blogging the election and needs your help … call or e-mail your voting stories. When you vote on Tuesday, please look around you. I’d appreciate it if you could take the time to call in reports from your voting place. The phone number is (812) 944-5116. The e-mail is ops@destinationsbooksellers.com.

If you can just provide a count of the voters and the time you voted, or if you have testimony about voting problems or great stories, I’ll share them with the world (your name kept private) throughout the day.